Paula Chandoha ’69

Part of Something Bigger

Paula Chandoha

For Paula Chandoha ’69, the Inspiration Behind Giving Is Building Community

For Paula Chandoha ’69, the satisfaction behind giving to Endicott College is ongoing participation in a community she admires.

Inspired by a 2009 visit to campus for her 40th Reunion, Chandoha spoke to a former classmate about getting reinvolved as an Endicott alumna. She hadn’t fully considered becoming a regular donor until that classmate shared an intriguing thought.

“I’ll never forget it—she told me that it was all about the participation, not the amount of money,” shared Chandoha. “And that was a huge door opener for me—to know that whatever small amount my gift is, it has impact just like a large amount would.”

Wanting to help students facing hardship, Chandoha established the Paula M. Chandoha ’69 Family Scholarship Fund for students in the arts and sciences. More recently she set up a planned gift from her estate, giving her the ability to help more students than what’s possible in a single lifetime.

“I connect to the human part of it. Endicott offers a dynamic education, a place to figure out your path. My planned gift allows my scholarship to continue helping students far into the future.”
— Paula Chandoha ’69